Visit La Cotinière

12 km from the campsite, La Cotinière is one of the essential stops during your holiday in Oléron. This small village attached to Saint-Pierre d'Oléron is known for its fishing port, one of the most important in France. It is also one of the most typical villages on the island of Oléron. We like to stroll along the quays, eat an ice cream after the beach, browse the market aisles and enjoy the entertainment on summer evenings...

La Cotiniere Fishing Port Oleron

A small, charming artisanal fishing port

Whatever the season and the time of day, La Cotinière lives to the rhythm of the tides and the comings and goings of the boats in the port. When the colorful trawlers return to the port, the quays fill up with curious onlookers who come to see the fishermen catch their most beautiful sole, monkfish, line-caught sea bass, rays, langoustines, lobsters, etc. If you want to discover what goes on behind the scenes at the port of La Cotinière, don't hesitate to take the guided tours offered during the school holidays or on the first Friday of each month. You'll learn everything about how the port and the auction work!

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Saint Pierre D Oleron Fishing Port

Did you know?

Small but strong, the port of La Cotinière is the leading fishing port in Charente-Maritime and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, but also the 6th largest French port! Every year, more than 5,000 tonnes of fish and seafood are landed! For years, the fishermen of La Cotinière have been committed to a sustainable and responsible fishing approach by using more selective gear that prevents the capture of smaller fish.

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Cotinière Fires

A lively little village where it is good to stroll: beaches, market and summer entertainment

La Cotinière also offers the pleasures of the seaside. Matha beach, facing due west and rather calm, is a delight for families. At low tide, you can go fishing on foot. After swimming, it is very pleasant to walk along the seafront, shop or sit on the terrace of a café. In season, local producers meet every morning at the La Cotinière market, rue du port. The ideal opportunity to fill your basket with delicious local products before returning to the campsite! Every evening in the summer, La Cotinière is very lively and stormed by holidaymakers. The night market and the funfair, as well as concerts, street shows and fireworks are on the programme of festivities.

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Oleron Beach Tourism

Also to see and do…

Saint Pierre D Oleron La Cotiniere

The Cotinière Jetty

Take a stroll along the La Cotinière pier and admire a lovely view of the entire port and the beach.

The Cotiniere Walk

Victorine's Market

Wait for the Victorine market to open at 4:30 p.m. to buy ultra-fresh, top-quality fish and seafood.

Port of La Cotiniere

The port festival

Take part in the Port Festival which takes place in August: boat tours, seafood tasting, water jousting, oyster opening competition, concert and grand popular ball…

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The campsite "The sea spray of Oléron" is part of the Airotel group of high-end campsites. Airotel campsites remain independent and are all driven by the search for excellence in outdoor hospitality in Charente Maritime and in France.